October 2024 Update

Hard to believe that the season is done!  A few end of year wrap-ups.

Annual General Meeting – October 2nd 


  1. Elections – The following members were voted in for a two year term:

Rick Anderson                                     Rob Ceschan

Don Balkwill                                         Barbara Sanders

Aldo Bertucci                                       Steve Sabina

The following members with one year remaining on their term:

Chris Brennan                                      Patti Mouland

Tony D’Andrea                                     Ron Ottogalli

Dave Haesler                                       John Rudak

Past Presidents: 

 Brian Adlam                                        Bob Parent                                         

Please refer to the minutes from the 2024 AGM by clicking on the file below:

Minutes of 2024 WECSSO AGM

2. Constitutional Changes – None of the four proposals were adopted by the membership.

Annual Banquet – October 16th – Ciociaro Club

Approximately 200 members will be attending the Annual Banquet.  Tickets will not be sold at the door.

Indoor BaseballNovember 5th start date at the Novelletto Centre.

5 teams will be playing this season.  Thank you to the Managers for volunteering.

Registration for 2025 – on-line registrations are available now.  Hard copies will be available at the Annual Banquet and can be found on the website to print off.

Registrations are due by January 31st, 2025

Fees for 2025

     One division – $75.00

     Two divisions – $125.00

Cash, cheque or e-transfer to wecssobaseball@gmail.com

Indoor Rosters, Schedule, Rules & Code of Conduct for 2024-25 Season

Indoor Rosters 2024 to 2025

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5
Brian Schauer (Mgr) Bill Kaschak (Mgr) Mike Palenchar (Mgr) Aldo Bertucci (Mgr) Gord Beaudoin (Mgr)
Tim Bondy (Dec 17) Roy Costa Ron Ottogalli (Mgr) Scott McDowall (Mgr) Kevin Sivell (Mgr)
Glen Gedge John Crispo Brian Adlam Joe Donlon/Rick Anderson Rick Chittle
John Goerzen Mark Duguay Ralph Bonelli Jim Knudsen Tony D’Andrea
Glenn Gorrick Mario Farina Al Dupuis Dave Lariviere Pat Dool
Ted Griffith John Frabotta Al Garrant Randy Meloche Dan Dool
Mike Hamlin Dennis Kitely Pat Gaudette Patti Mouland Tom Goebel
Dan Hennessy Doug Parent Paul Laidlaw Brian Renaud Tony DiPasquale
Gord Hillman Bud Renaud Butch Maisonneuve Wayne Roussell Ken Drew
Barbara Sanders John Rudak Jim Rovere Al Setterington Tom Rigg
Roger Tofflemire Tim Westfall Roger White Dave Woodall Gord Wright
Arlene Young     Keith Thibert  

Indoor Schedule 2024 to 2025

2024-25 Indoor Season Schedule
Date Time V vs H Time V vs H Bye
5-Nov 9:30am 1 vs 2 11:00am 3 vs 4 5
12-Nov 9:30am 5 vs 1 11:00am 2 vs 3 4
19-Nov 9:30am 4 vs 5 11:00am 1 vs 3 2
26-Nov 9:30am 2 vs 4 11:00am 3 vs 5 1
3-Dec 9:30am 4 vs 1 11:00am 5 vs 2 3
10-Dec 9:30am 4 vs 3 11:00am 2 vs 1 5
17-Dec 9:30am 3 vs 2 11:00am 1 vs 5 4
31-Dec 9:30am 3 vs 1 11:00am 5 vs 4 2
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
7-Jan 9:30am 5 vs 3 11:00am 4 vs 2 1
14-Jan 9:30am 2 vs 5 11:00am 1 vs 4 3
21-Jan 9:30am 1 vs 2 11:00am 3 vs 4 5
28-Jan 9:30am 5 vs 1 11:00am 2 vs 3 4
4-Feb 9:30am 4 vs 5 11:00am 1 vs 3 2
11-Feb 9:30am 2 vs 4 11:00am 3 vs 5 1
18-Feb 9:30am 4 vs 1 11:00am 5 vs 2 3
25-Feb 9:30am 4 vs 3 11:00am 2 vs 1 5
4-Mar 9:30am 3 vs 2 11:00am 1 vs 5 4
11-Mar 9:30am 3 vs 1 11:00am 5 vs 4 2
18-Mar 9:30am 5 vs 3 11:00am 4 vs 2 1
25-Mar 9:30am 2 vs 5 11:00am 1 vs 4 3
1-Apr 9:30am 1 vs 2 11:00am 3 vs 4 5
8-Apr 9:30am 5 vs 1 11:00am 2 vs 3 4
15-Apr 9:30am 4 vs 5 11:00am 1 vs 3 2
22-Apr 9:30am 2 vs 4 11:00am 3 vs 5 1
29-Apr 9:30am 4 vs 1 11:00am 5 vs 2 3
Visiting team left-Gray, Home team right-Blue, Green, Red
Team Manager
1 Brian Schauer  (519) 567-3281
2 Bill Kaschak  (519) 981-7875
3 Mike Palenchar (519) 733-4185
  Ron Ottogalli (519) 944-5635
4 Aldo Bertucci (519) 560-7153
  Scott McDowall (519) 551-6402
5 Gord Beaudoin (519) 982- 6583
  Kevin Sivell (519) 992-0548

Rules For Indoor Ball 2024-25

1. Force play at every base.
2. Runners can run through the base.
3. Pitch count starts at 1-1, allowed one foul ball on 3rd strike.
4. Walks may be rejected. Count remains.
5. Maximum runs per inning Five.
6. Ball hits net in FAIR – lands in FOUL territory – FAIR BALL.
7. Ball hits net in Foul – lands in FAIR territory – FOUL Ball.
8. Infielders must play in front of white line, outfielders play behind white line.
9. Runners cannot be thrown out at first if ball lands behind the white line (OF).
10.Once ball goes out of bounds (white outer line), advance One Base Only.
11.Fair ball that goes into the hall area is Two Bases.
12.Fair ball that hits half way up the back wall is a Home Run.
13.Depending on time last inning may be declared Three outs or Unlimited runs.
14.Courtesy runners allowed for injured players upon request.
15.Runners from the backstop are allowed but cannot proceed from first base.
16.Only approved bats (thumb print) may be used.
17.Umpire decisions are final -refrain from arguing a call – “grin and bear it”.
18.WECSSO Code of Conduct applies to indoor ball as well.
19.No standings are kept, No playoffs, – scores are kept for “bragging rights” only
20.Winning takes a back seat to having FUN! FUN! FUN!
21.If screen is used by a pitcher and the ball hits the screen-Dead ball & No strike.
22.If ball hits designated rafter (beam) – Dead ball & No strike.
23.If a Fair ball gets stuck in netting then base hit runners (if any) Advance One
24.If a Fair ball gets stuck in the soccer goal netting then Advance Two bases.
25.Above ALL-remember it is JUST A GAME!!!!!

Code of Conduct Indoor 2024-25

The atmosphere is different from summer slo-pitch. There is only one division
made up with players of different athletic abilities be it hitting, catching or running.
The players who sign up are there because they have heard how much fun it is and
the comradery amongst the players. Winning is secondary to having a good time
playing a game that we love. Players know that they will not be yelled at or
berated for mistakes that they make, by fellow players. Players are encouraged not
to discourage when they make an error(s), fail to hit in key situations or make base
running blunders. Players are treated fairly and respectfully by fellow players.
Negative behaviour towards any player will be dealt with swiftly and immediately
by your friendly co-convenors.
We will have two volunteer umpires and their call right or wrong is final. If you
think that an umpire missed a call, keep it to yourself. Negative behaviour towards
an umpire will not be tolerated and is not acceptable. Once again, the co-convenors
will take the action necessary to convince you that your behaviour is not conducive
to displaying good sportsmanship. Players are playing indoor ball due to its
relaxed atmosphere and being active in the winter months. As stated previously,
winning is secondary, having fun and enjoying the camaraderie with fellow players
is primary.
We expect that anyone playing indoor winter ball agrees with the above principles
and agrees to abide by them, and will always display good sportsmanship-not to do
so goes against the spirit of indoor ball.
Ron Ottogalli
Mike Palenchar

President’s Message-Sept 27, 2024


Unfortunately, another season of WECSSO slo-pitch is in the books. Two teams have been declared winners, a third team was rained out.  In my mind and probably others as well, we are all winners to a certain degree.  We are winners since, at our advanced ages, we can continue playing this wonderful game of slo-pitch.  We should “count our lucky stars” that we continue to have good health that enables us to get up every morning in the summer and look forward to going to the diamonds at Ciociaro.  You may not have the skills that you once had but that does not stop you from enjoying the game and having fun at the same time. 

We have three divisions of play- Red, Blue, and Green. Not all the players have the same athletic abilities for a variety of reasons.  Players want to have the chance to play with players that they feel that they would be competitive with.  Our three-division setup is unique in this regard.  The Board of Directors strives to make sure that all three divisions are successful.  No one division is more important than the other.   We, as a Board, realize that players want to play with players of similar abilities and talents.  Our three division setup enables this to happen.  The Board also realizes if our league wants to remain successful, we must ensure that we keep and support the concept of three divisional play.  No ifs, ands, buts or maybes!!!!!

The ball season may be over, but our league still has two important events- our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday Oct 2nd at 1pm at Ciociaro Club-Salon F and our Annual Banquet on Wednesday October 16th at the Ciociaro Club at 5pm (doors open at 3:30 pm)


The Annual General Meeting is a good time to find out what the elected board members have done on your behalf.  It is also a good time to say thank you for all the work that the Board does on your behalf.  The Board of Directors are very committed and dedicated to providing the best league possible. Your presence at the AGM shows that you support their efforts. You may not agree with everything they do but at least you respect their efforts.  Nothing would be more discouraging than having just a handful of players attend the AGM.   I urge you to attend the AGM in support of your league.

You can go to our website and see the agenda for the AGM, our year-end financial statement, Minutes of the WECSSO 2023 AGM, several proposed changes to our constitution, along with the current Constitution. This will allow you to compare proposed changes to the current constitution.  Come out to the meeting to have your say and vote on each proposal. It is very important for the board to hear what the membership thinks of these changes to our constitution.  A vote will be taken on each proposal. 

Another important part of the meeting is the election of six members to our Board. Six members currently have a 1-year term left to serve on the Board.  If you have an interest in joining the Board, have someone nominate you at the meeting to run for the board. 

One last point, even though you can now register online to play, registration forms will be available for those who do not have a computer.


If you have not yet purchased a ticket for the banquet, the AGM will be your LAST opportunity to do so. Cost is $25, with players only, getting a $10 refund at the door.  NO tickets will be sold at the door of the Annual Banquet. There will be door prizes available and a share of the wealth draw.  Contact Jack Bump if you have a door prize to donate or simply bring it with you to the banquet.

AGM Information

Dear members,

Our Annual AGM is on October 2nd, 2024 at 1 pm at Ciociaro, Salon F.

Please find below the documents you need to be fully informed. 

AGM Agenda 2024 Oct 2nd

WECSSO Financials AGM Sep 2024

Minutes of WECSSO AGM 2023


  • Article 3 B. The Board of Directors shall be made up of 12 members elected from and by the general membership at annual meetings. It will also include any Past Presidents who will have voting rights.

Six directors shall be elected annually for 2-year terms; which means that there will be a carryover of 6 directors each year for purposes of continuity on the board. In the event of vacancies on the Board before any term of office is up, replacements shall be filled according to the votes at the previous general election.

To be eligible for election to the Board of Directors, candidates must be in good standing and in attendance at the annual meeting, or have submitted a signed letter of intent.

Proposed changes to Article 3 B: The Board of Directors shall be made up of 13 members elected from and by the general membership at annual meetings. There shall be no grandfathering of Past Presidents.

Six directors shall be elected annually for 2-year terms; which means that there will be a carryover of 6 directors each year for purposes of continuity on the board. In the event of vacancies on the Board before any term of office is up, replacements shall be filled according to the votes at the previous general election. The new position of President shall be the 13th member of the Board. This position will be elected annually by the general membership at annual meetings. This position will oversee the running of the Board of Directors and WECSSO in general. There is no limit on the number of years a person can run for President, this shall be decided by the general membership.

To be eligible for election to the Board of Directors, candidates must be a fully registered and full-time playing member of WECSSO. Full time means the candidate must prove that they played a vast majority of games during the season in the year of the annual meeting. Injury shall be considered a valid reason for missing games. Illness, work and vacation time will not be considered as valid reasons for absence.

  • Article 3 D. Officers of the Board of Directors shall be elected annually from and by the members of the Board and the Past President(s) and shall consist of a:

Proposed changes to Article 3 D: Officers of the Board of Directors, excluding the President, shall be elected annually from and by the members of Board. Only the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be entrusted with handling amounts of money exceeding $250.00.

The position of Registrar will be changed from a Position of Responsibility to an Officer of the board. This position will also be entrusted with handling amounts of money exceeding $250.00 to facilitate the collection of monies from players, coaches, etc. at various functions.

Past President: shall be for a term of one year, in an advisory capacity to the incoming President. The Past President position shall NOT have any voting rights.

Article 4 A. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the President as he or she deems needed.

Proposed changes to Article 4 A. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the same day of the week and time monthly. This day and time will be discussed, and the calendar set at the first meeting of a newly elected board to be decided on. Should any meeting be deemed unnecessary a vote of the Board by email and/or phone will be needed to cancel a scheduled meeting. Nine votes will be necessary to cancel a meeting.

  • Proposed change: Any and all proposed changes passed by the general membership at the annual meeting October 2, 2024, shall go into effect immediately when passed.

Our Constitution can be found under the “About Us” section on the menu.



League Championship Results

Talk about dramatic!
In a WECSSO Blue division championship final for the ages, Steve Sabina’s Broncos defeated Terry Renaud’s plucky Relics 19-18 on Tuesday – when Glen Gedge cranked an inside-the-park, grand-slam home run in the bottom of the ninth inning.
With misty rain drizzling all morning at the Ciociaro Softball Complex, the Broncos had just rallied with six runs in the (open) top of the ninth, to turn a 15-12 deficit into an 18-15 lead in the back-and-forth final.
It took the blue-topped Broncos only five batters in the bottom of the ninth to snatch back victory from the grey-clad Relics. Al Setterington led off by reaching first on an infield error. Mickey Hergott singled, and Jody Baynton advanced only Hergott on a fielder’s choice. Al Raeside then singled to load the bases.
Gedge’s hefty blast barely cleared the glove of a Relics outfielder in left-centre, and rolled nearly to Diamond No. 2’s fence. Hergott, Baynton, Raeside and Gedge all scored before the Relics could relay the ball home.
Is softball a game of inches? You betcha. Had Gedge’s blast been inches shorter, and been caught by the Relics outfielder, there would have been two outs. Even had Hergott tagged up and scored from third on the fly out, the Relics would have been up two, one out away from the championship.
Baynton was the only player on either team to score five runs; he hit two doubles and a single and walked once. Afterward he said the Broncos’ clutch comeback – only minutes after the disappointment of seeing the Relics burst ahead in the top of the ninth – was emblematic of his team’s late-season hitting heroics.
“All year we’ve bounced back,” Baynton said. “We’ve had games where we scored 25 runs. We never give up, never quit – no matter how bad it looks. We just keep coming, and coming. It’s a total team effort. Different players rise when needed.
“Once we got into the round-robin, we really stepped up. We believed. I mean, the first three games of the round-robin we scored 58 runs.”
Baynton said a crucial ingredient in the Broncos’ success was that they prided themselves all season on never sniping at one another. That attitude paved the way for their championship run, once eliminations began last week, he said.
“For the entire season, nobody on the team has gotten down on anybody. Everybody has been positive, and I think we all feed off that positive energy. It’s been a great season.”
Setterington’s pitching was no small factor in the Broncos’ 2024 championship. His usually well-placed reverse-spinners continually forced opposing batters to pop up, fly out or mis-hit grounders for easy outs. That said, Relics batters – to their credit – on Tuesday scrounged enough good hits off Setterington to have beaten most teams.
“Good pitching always beats good hitting, right?” Baynton said. “That’s the secret. Al struggled a little bit today, but he puts that little twist on it and gets the hitters off a little bit, and that keeps them from driving the ball deep. About 95% of the Relics’ hits today were in-betweeners – over our infielders, in front of our outfielders.”
The Relics had placed only sixth in the seven-team Blue-division’s playoff-seeding round-robin (truncated by rainouts) from late August to early September. But they won their two elimination games to reach the championship game.
On Tuesday the Relics jumped out to a 5-0 lead in the top of the first, and led 7-4 after three innings, before the Broncos’ bats got hot. The Broncos took their first lead in the bottom of the fifth, 12-11. A three-run seventh gave them a 15-12 lead heading into the decisive, dramatic ninth.
“There are no superstars on this team,” Baynton said. “It’s a good group of guys who gelled at the right time.”
Story by John Kryk (Green/Blue Division)

Congratulations to Broncos for winning the 2024 Blue Division Championship


2024 Blue Division Finalists: Relics

Green Division Championship rained out. No final was determined.

Congratulations to Leisures for winning the 2024 Red Division Championship

2024 Red Division Finalists: Vikings

Irwin Philip (Casey) Jones

Gone to be with the Lord on September 2, 2024 at 89 years of age.

Loving husband of Rita for 66 years. Cherished father to Chris (Helen), Keith (Laurie), Brian (Julie), Tim (Kim) and Terry (Sheila). Loving grandfather to Ashley (Eric), Ryan (Melissa), TJ (Meg), Christopher (Jenn), Lucas, Brayden, Morgan, Hayley, Melina, Evie, Elise and great-grandfather to Hazel, Matthew, Jeremy, James, Kelly, Peyton, Penelope, Levi, Isabella and McKenzie. Son of the late Forrest and Sarah Jones. Dear brother of Doris Robak (late Frank), Ken (Freda), Patricia Colwell (Tom), Alvin (Florence), Richard (Marylin), Larry (Linda), John (Tracey) and the late Ron (Mary Rose). Also survived by many nieces and nephews.

Irwin travelled to Calgary at the age of 18 to join the Canadian Forces. He became a member of the Lord Strathcona’s Horse (RCAC) and was stationed in Germany for two years peacekeeping post Korean War. Retired from Ford Motor Company in 1995 with 30 years of service. Over the years, Casey involved himself in the LaSalle community including the Turtle Club baseball, Slo-Pitch in both LaSalle and Windsor-Essex, Sandwich West Hockey, LaSalle Parks and Recreation Board, and Boy Scouts Canada. Member of Parkwood Gospel Church, being involved in various leadership roles and expressions of ministry. Irwin and Rita cherished the healthy years spending time with their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He lived life to the fullest with determination and courage. To say that he will be missed is an understatement.

Special thanks to the PSW’s, Nurses and team at Extendicare Southwood Lakes, and all those caregivers who came to the family home over the many years before Irwin entered long term care.

In lieu of flowers, donations to Alzheimer Society of Windsor-Essex County or the Hospice of Windsor and Essex County would be appreciated.

Visitation on Friday, September 6, 2024 from 3-5 & 7-9 p.m. and Saturday, September 7, 2024 from 10 a.m. until time of Funeral Service at 11 a.m. at Families First, 3260 Dougall Avenue, South Windsor (519-969-5841). Interment Heavenly Rest Cemetery.

Door Prizes for Wednesday October 16th Annual Banquet

Greetings everyone,

Our Annual Banquet is just around the corner.  How is it already September?
As in years past, anyone wishing to provide a door prize for the banquet, your generosity is welcome.
Over the next several weeks, Patti and Barbara will be collecting door prizes at the ball park before and after the games.  Bringing the donation to the AGM on October 2nd also works.
Anyone wishing for a letter from WECSSO, that states you are collecting for our banquet, can get one from me, upon request.  Should an organization request a receipt, we will provide it.
Thank you for your generosity, it is greatly appreciated.
Any questions. comments are concerns, let us know.  Looking forward to seeing everyone at the banquet on Wednesday October 16th at Ciociaro.
Social Committee

Standings (as of September)

Blue Division Playoff Standings (Sept 12th)
Team W L Win %
14-Remnants (1st) – M. Duguay 4 1 0.800
15-Broncos (2nd) – S. Sabina 4 2 0.667
13-Fossils (3rd-due to Run Differential) – B. Adlam 3 2 0.600
12-Ancients (4th) – M. Palenchar 3 2 0.600
11-Norsemen (5th) – D. MacPherson 2 3 0.400
16-Relics (6th-due to Run Differential) – T. Renaud 1 4 0.200
17-Rockers (7th) – J. Bump 1 4 0.200
Green Division Playoff Standings (Sept 18th)
Team W L Win % RF RA RD
23-Aristo Cats – M. Graham 4 1 0.800 90 73 17
24-Power Outage – R. Bonelli 2 3 0.400 59 52  7
22-Thunder & Lightning – B. Westlake 2 3 0.400 45 56 -11
21-Raiders – J. Knudsen 2 3 0.400 70 83 -13
Red Division Standings  (Sept 11th)
Team W L T Win % RF RA RD
4-Leisures – D. Haesler 19 1 1 0.929 268 171 97
3-Vikings – J. Carpenter 11 8 2 0.571 234 222 12
1-Gladiators – T. McNorton 12 10 1 0.543 280 248 32
2-Dinosaurs – T. Johnston 6 16 0 0.273 205 262 -57
5-Cavemen – B. Doan 4 17 0 0.190 209 280 -71